Read the other 93% of communication when you do the Neuro Linguistic programming certification
Neuro Linguistic Programming is the study of the structure of the experience that is subjective. When you do a neuro linguistic programming certification then you learn the ways to improve on your skills of management and how you see your life. The neuro linguistic programming certification or NLP is a model that studies behavioral technology where one studies communication, personal development, and psychotherapy. The method of NLP imagination lets you change what the reality is which is done through how the subconscious mind is programmed. Get an NLP trainer certification in India if you want to provide NLP coaching training and provide NLP therapy to your students.
Learning the language that your mind speaks
With the certification in NLP, you learn the language that you speak. Like, for example, think of a situation when you spoke to someone who did not know your language. This usually happens when you go to visit a foreign country and a restaurant there where the locals only speak in their native language. This is a language that you have no clue about. It does happen at times when you have ordered say steak and what you are delivered is stew.
This is a relationship that we as humans tend to have with our unconscious state of mind. Like we could think that we are ordering lots of money, lots of happiness, a healthy relationship, peace of our family members, and a healthy lifestyle. However, if these things do not clearly show up then this is an issue and points out to some information that is getting lost in the process of translation.
The working of NLP in your real life
Do you even come across a situation in your day to day life when during a conversation you keep thinking about what the person had said and meant and what you should be replying in return? It has been studied since ancient times that words are the least meaningful of the aspect of communication. It conveys only 75% of what you wish to say.
So if someone tells you that they are planning to throw a party but their tone is flat and their facial expressions not revealing anything that shows excitement then it indicates that he does not mean what he is saying. So he may be saying something which is just 7% but the remaining 93% of his expression, body manner and gestures are pointing towards something else.
This is what the neuro-linguistic programming certification is all about. It is the remaining 93% of the communication. This is a system that lets you understand and use the appropriate kind of communication that is what matters. If you can master the non-verbal communication which is what is taught in the NLP certification then you can be a good communication master yourself.
Most of us do not realize that communication is much more than words and in the interaction that we have with people, there is a lot of communication that goes on in the body and the mind. It includes your attitude, mindset, and your feelings which are an active communication form. This is what forms the crux of the NLP program and you learn this when you do the NLP certification from Changeworx.
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